Visual Art

Based in Rostrevor Adelaide, James Parker has been working and exhibiting since 1997.

Primarily a Printmaker, he uses monotyping as a base for linocuts, wood cuts and etchings.

Collage plays a large roll in the works, and inspiration comes largely from Poetry especially 19th Century American.

James also works with stone and has produced series of linocuts and monotypes onto sandstone, jade and slate.

James is interested in the sculptural qualities of books and in his own work and work within schools he has developed techniques based on Japanese and English bindings to allow himself and his students to make original and unique works.


4 Story Blocks by James Parker, Adelaide4 STORY BLOCKS
James has a range of unique hand-painted wooden blocks for sale. These blocks are ideal for both story telling and construction games. Each block has a picture and a letter or number. Custom blocks can be made to order.

 Download James' Full Bio 
James Parker, Sculptor, Australia


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